This fullblood red gene carrier bull has it all! Great muscling and outcross genetics to most Bluey, Awesome Red, and Vitulus Red Baron offspring.
He was also the Senior Champion Bull at the 2014 Houston show.
$25 a straw, 2 straw minimum
Registration #21737
$50 for fullblood certificates
$25 for percentage certificates
Semen stored at Elgin Breeding Service Inc.
Another fullblood red carrier bull with awesome outcross genetics! This bull will bring some old original genetics into your program! Limited supply!
$35 a straw, 2 straw minimum.
Registration #791
$50 for fullblood certificates
$25 for percentage certificates
Semen stored at Integrated Breeders Service Plus LLC
Limited straws available on this Fullblood Red Australian Bull!
Contact us for pricing!
AAA Reg. #31828
Semen stored at Integrated Breeders Service Plus LLC
Smokey Mtn Awesome is a great looking son of Dusty. Just showing as an example of the offspring Dusty can add to your herd!